Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Our Visit to Charleston

Lori and I just arrived back yesterday from our week's visit to Charleston. The highlight of our visit was seeing Caitlin starting to walk. Within a few days she had given up crawling in favour of walking. If there was no table to help her get into a standing position, she would use the nearest wall to get up.

Caitlin loves balloons.

I had a chance to try out my new telephoto lens.

Steve, Caitlin and I went to the beach on Saturday, where there was also a little playground. Caitlin loved the swings and was not afraid of the water at all!

She likes her gourmet meals . . .

. . . and was very pleased with her Easter dress

Brian was able to join us for dinner several times, which gave a good opportunity to get a group photo of a large portion of the Crawford clan. Hopefully the missing and growing contingent now in San Antonio will soon be able to join up and we can get the whole clan together for a Christmas newsletter photo opportunity.

1 comment:

Linda Storey said...

I love the photo with the telephoto lens. I'll need a print of that photo!
We had a great time with you guys and miss you very much already! Come back! Come back!